About a year ago I began my search for a small compact camera I could use on day trips or take too small events. I didn’t want to lug around a DSLR with a number of lenses or have a big lens sticking out in the open. Have you ever tried to be discreet with a Canon 1DX and 70-200mm lens? Can’t be done!
What lead to the review Sony A7
My journey has taken me down a number of paths one of which was the Fujifilm X-20. You can read my review of the Fujifilm X-20 or sample photos of the Fujifilm X20 to get a better idea of the performance of this camera. I’ve ended up with the Sony A7. I was reluctant at first to buy in to this camera for a range of reason. Some of the cons to the Sony A7 are its price and the limited lens selection.
Cons to the Sony A7 camera
The new full frame Sony A7 mirrorless system has a bunch of amazing features. But, before I can buy in to all the hype or technical chest beating I need to know the downside. What is it about this camera that I’m going to either not like or simply hate?
Well on the short list there isn’t much about this camera I don’t like and as of this point I don’t hate anything. Here is a list of my initial cons for the Sony A7
- Price – the price for this camera is pretty steep and opens the door for other manufactures. During my research I was seriously looking at the Canon 6D so I could use any of my existing lenses.
- Lens limitations – It’s often said that the Sony A7 lacks a wide range of lenses. At first glance it’s easy to agree however with more research I’m not sure it’s as big an issue as thought. One of my biggest requests was to have a small compact camera. Saying that do you really need a wide range of lenses?
- On/Off switch – The on/off switch is easily confused with the front dial. A few times while adjusting settings in the back my finger slipped from the dial to the power switch and i’ve turned the camera
- off.
Sample photos of the Sony A7 with kit lens
So what’s the first thing you take a photo of when you buy a new camera? Yes, your cat! Ok I know it’s not the most exciting subject but hey you want to test out the new toy. This set of sample images from the Sony A7 are literally the first photos taken with this camera. Why I choose to take photos of a kitten are pretty simple. One of the main reasons I decided to take photos of my kitten, beyond convenience, was the fact that kittens have lots of energy. This energy was perfect for testing the cameras ability to focus and track a close moving subject. Now this camera won’t hold water against the top end Nikon or Canon (check out my Canon 1DX sample images) or alike but hey it did do a pretty good job.
Sony A7 Sample Images
You can see all my Sony A7 sample images in my photo gallery. I’ll be adding new photos now and then to showcase some of the cool features this camera provides.
Uses for mirrorless cameras
I plan on using this camera as often as possible. I’m especially excited to use the Sony A7 during my next product shoot. As a local photographer i’m often asked to visit a clients or prospects location prior to quoting or bidding on the job. The power of this camera will allow my to bring little to no gear along and capture some amazing photos. In the past I’ve done this to help set the scene and prepare myself for the actual photo shoot. I can also see this camera being very useful in product photography. In the weeks to come watch out for a post on just that. I’ll do an A/B test between the Sony A7 and Canon 1DX. This should prove to be very interesting.