Planning a 365 photo challenge can be pretty overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Taking a photo a day everyday of the year boils down to one simple thing, COMMITMENT! Yes it really is that simple. You need to have a camera with you every day and take it everywhere you go. Why? Well you can’t easily plan a photo a day if you have a job, family or a life. Let’s face it we do have other things to do each day so if you need it have a 365 day photo challenge list to work from. So having a camera with you is important because it reminds you to take a photo and it’s there when you need it.
My simple 365 day photo challenge list
When I started my challenge I kept things very simple. The simpler I made my photo challenge list the easier it was going to be. It also let me be flexible enough to go in directions I hadn’t yet thought of. Here is my list for my photo challenge.
- The photo is taken on that day. It would be a lot easier to take bunch of pictures of something cool and then spread them over a week or more. That’s not this challenge. The goal in a 365 project is to take a photograph every single day.
- I use my camera gear. Part of the challenge is to end up with a photo a day album of pictures you took. So why not use your camera gear and learn how to use it while you take this on.
- The format is the same. This helps to form some consistency in the overall project. This is really a personal preference in how you shot. For me I wanted something that had a few elements that were the same. For me it was the aspect ratio of 16 x 9 and that the orientation was landscape. Now if you want you can go for a 1 x 1 aspect ratio and build a 365 photo challenge on Instagram. It’s your call.
Some hurdles to think of before you start your 365 day photo challenge
The most obvious challenges are going to be what can I possibly take a picture of each and every day? Once you break through this mental block you’ll start to see the world as a photograph. To me this is the ultimate goal over the 365 days. Now you see without thinking and the photo possibilities become endless.

The hurdles I didn’t expect to face were time restrictions, family demands and your will power. Time might be obvious but you’ll find that different times of the year demand more of your time and what time is left is so little that grabbing a meaningful photo seems impossible. Remember have the camera with you at all times because once you see the world as a photo you will find things at the oddest times. The other was family demands. Not everyone in your life will understand why you’re taking this on and what project 365 really means. The last was will power. This too is a mental block more than anything. Pushing through is key and something to remind yourself as your energy slows down.
Inspiration and creative 365 photo challenge ideas to add to your list
We all need inspiration and yes look at what others have done and borrow ideas and make them your own. My 365 a day photo album is best seen on Flickr. As you look through the images you’ll see that there are very few repeats in ideas.
As you work through your project and take one picture a day always keep in mind that it really is just one day at a time. I’d love to see your photos and hear about how you overcome any challenges. You can connect here, Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.