So you have a kayak or canoe and a GoPro camera and you want to make a cool video like you see online. Well unless you’re kayaking down a rapid or some naturally action packed location your video will most likely look like mine. So here are my top tips for improving your GoPro videos taken while kayaking or canoeing.
GoPro video tips
Lets face it paddling along a river or across a lake is pretty boring for viewers to watch. Every minute looks just like the last and your video seems to go on forever. I should know I’ve made a bunch of boring YouTube videos shot on my GoPro. One day while watching a few great GoPro videos the brick hit me on the head. The top GoPro video tips had to do with two things. Here are my top GoPro video tips for the beginner.
Tip # 1
Adding action to your GoPro video when there isn’t any is easier than you think. When you watch a bunch of videos shot with a GoPro or other action camera you often find that they use fast paced music to give the sense of action or motion. For me my favorite genre is Dubstep. Now not all will work but much of it is ideal for almost any fast paced video. So for your next kayak or canoe video head over to the YouTube audio library and pick out a song that sounds like it’s moving.
Tip #2
We all have attention spans less than that of a goldfish. Yea it’s true I read it on the internet LOL. A key to many action based videos on YouTube is the rapid scene change. When you’re constantly shown something new you feel as if there is at the very least a bit of action. So what better thing to add to a slow moving video of kayaking or canoeing than scene splits. This doesn’t have to follow what happened in real time. Switch back and forth from past to present or even future. I tend to jump around on beat of the song and if the song is too fast then I slow it down a little so you don’t go into epileptic shock.
Top action camera video tips for kayaking or canoeing
Bouncing tip – when mounting your GoPro to your kayak think of what the viewer will see. For me much of my videos include the bow of the boat and for now that works for me. Ok I’m too lazy to build a mount that works so it is what it is right now.
Here are a couple of videos shot while kayaking down a Duffins Creek. The first video utilizes sped up video to give a sense of speed or action. The second video uses the GoPro video tips above to give that sense of action.